Firstly, thank you for visiting my blog, you have made a great decision! I am absolutely convinced that by following the various steps on this site you will begin to notice, almost immediately, that people will start to act differently around you. The crazy thing is that it really isn’t that difficult to be popular and make people like you. You just need to be aware of the skills and tricks that popular people use all time – usually without them even realising it.
I want to say upfront that I do not have a degree in ‘being popular’ and I am not a professor of social interaction. In fact, I am just an ordinary guy. But throughout my life, and I say this with all modesty, I have often been told that 'everyone likes me'. Hopefully that didn’t sound too arrogant, but rather self-assured and confident. The thing is, I know people like me and importantly, I know why. The truth is that it is actually really simple and easy to be liked. Perhaps you may be thinking at this point, well obviously you are just one of those naturally popular people, I can never be like that. Well, that's simply not true. Being liked by people is something that can be learned and is achievable by using some simple techniques. In this book I am going to share with you the best tips and specific advice that I have received and learned over the last number of years.
Obviously every person is different and in a book like this it is impossible to take into consideration the unlimited number of different contexts to your life (such as your personal history, the different social groups that you mix with, your job etc). But I can assure you that if you commit to following the advice in this book properly, you will almost certainly see your popularity grow.
I urge you to not give up or skip any of the techniques if you are finding it difficult or if it becomes hard work. If this stuff doesn't come natural to you, keep at it! Positive change requires hard-work and some serious investment of your time and energy. But that’s not to say that this process isn’t fun and rewarding!
Since I intend for each blog post to be 'to the point' and without without pointless filler, let’s dive straight into the techniques. Hopefully you will find this book highly practical. Some of the steps may appear too simple and easy, but I assure you, each of them are important and will make a huge and noticeable difference.
If you are serious about this, go to step 1 which all about how you can control how you are perceived by others.